From Breathalyzer to increasingly employed to detect distracted drivers

Interesting article from the New York Times regarding technological advances in analyzing whether someone was texting while driving. Experts state that reaction times for people texting while driving is similar to DWI drivers impaired by alcohol.

Our firm located in Springfield, Missouri handles all types of traffic tickets in addition to DWI cases and felony/misdemeanor cases. Call us today at 417-869-4680 to schedule your free consultation!

John Kail named as one of Springfield's best DWI lawyers!

Did you see the good news? has named John Kail as one of Springfield's best DWI lawyers! It is great to see the hard work and knowledge that we apply to our client's cases be recognized by an independent reviewer. 

If you have a DWI, we have the experience that you need to make the difference. Call us today at 417-869-4680 for your free consultation.

Utah's extraordinary new DWI law and what it will mean for Missouri drivers

Utah's extraordinary new DWI law and what it will mean for Missouri drivers

Last week, the Utah legislature voted to limit drivers to a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .05%, which would make the state the first in the union to adopt this lower BAC standard for their DWI laws. Governor Gary Herbert (R) is expected to sign the bill, which would reduce the current limit from .08% and make Utah the most restrictive state in America for those who consume alcohol and then choose to drive.